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If you are having problems with the program or require other assistance an option may be to install TeamViewer

TeamViewer is an excellent screen-sharing and file-transfer application that can be used to remotely access a second computer.

While the program is running it gives the users the tools they need to share screens securely, solve computer problems, demonstrate use of programs and transfer files to the other computer.

This program can only be activated if you inform me of Your ID and Current Password

As a Safety precaution each time you log off from the Teamviewer program a new password is required to log back on again, and it is only after the password is confirmed can the computers connect and allow access to your computer. Previous passwords will not be valid.

If the other computer is Not Running the TeamViewer Program - this message appears.

You will first need to phone me - give me your current password

At all times when my computer is logged onto your computer you can see and follow each procedure as if you were in control of the computer yourself.

You can terminate the connection from my computer quickly and easily if required by turning off TeamViewer.

If you install TeamViewer a shortcut will be placed on yor computer desktop allowing you quick and easy access to activate the program which will then enable me to assist you with your program difficulties or in the use of the program.

It is only natural that you are conscious of computer security - Consquently: If after the assistance has been given to you and you no longer require the Teamviewer Program it can be removed completely from your computer by going to Start Menu \ All Programs \ TeamViewer \ Uninstall. - It can be reinstalled at a later date if required.

If you are happy with this type of assistants: Download TeamViewer